“Empathy is an interesting
and essential concept
in EI and leadership.
Leaders today have
to respectfully and
empathetically respond
to situations. You don’t
necessarily agree with
who you are speaking
to, but you understand
their perspective and
can have a respectful
dialogue about that. This
is a crucial skill when
you have to have difficult
conversations, and the
more empathetic you are,
the more likely you are to
seek to find a solution or
response that produces a
win-win situation.”
—Roger Pearman,
Founder and CEO,
Leadership Performance Systems
Use of Emotional Intelligence in Organizations
Emotional Intelligence is commonly integrated as a topic in leadership development
courses, or as an objective in organizational coaching. Nearly half of organizations
report that EI is a topic of Training & Development courses, as well as an objective
for leadership/executive coaching (see Fig. 7.) As Dr. Margareta Sjölund from
Kandidata Asia said, “Emotional Intelligence is intrinsically related to other people
and the way business is changing. The advent and growth of globalization requires
interaction between and among people and companies on a different level than
just 10 years ago. EI provides that critical information about how to navigate
internally with leaders and employees, and externally with other organizations.”
Despite its role as a powerful driver of effective leadership, our research found
that Emotional Intelligence remains an untapped resource for many organizations.
Nearly 1 in 3 survey respondents (29%) report that Emotional Intelligence is not a
focus in their organizations.
Fig. 7: Use of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Development

“An EQ report [from an
Emotional Intelligence
assessment] functions
like a blueprint for
success—not only for the
individual leader, but the
organizational culture
too. It is scientifi cally
robust and identifi es the
strengths and weaknesses
that a leader brings to the
table. Assessments make
EQ more real and more
applicable for leaders and
show that it’s more than
soft and fuzzy feelings.”
—Dr. Margareta SJÖlund, Chief Psychologist and Founder, Kandidata Asia
Among the many different leadership development methods available, we explored
which are rated as most effective by survey respondents. Given their modest cost,
Emotional Intelligence assessments can deliver significant and effective value in
helping develop organizational leaders. Although they are not as widely used
as other methods, Emotional Intelligence assessments are rated very highly by
HR practitioners. Our data find that 60% of managers whose organizations use
Emotional Intelligence assessments rate them as “effective” or “highly effective,” on par with methods such as executive coaching, global assignments, and formal mentoring (see Fig. 8).
“What does it cost you when your employees are in survival mode rather than thrive mode?“
Whatever the initial cost is for implementing Emotional Intelligence, Bob Anderson from 1Hero Sports said the investment is advantageous—especially if leaders consider the impact of neglecting it. “What does it cost you when your employees are in survival mode
rather than thrive mode? What does it cost if they have no access or support to be courageous and creative? Emotional Intelligence assessments address these questions and help identify key areas where you can improve. That information can be painful, but so well worth it in the end.”
Fig. 8: Effectiveness of Leadership Development Methods
Refer back to Fig. 3 on page 9 to compare effectiveness versus use of Leadership Development methods.