Appendix C: Endnotes
- Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.
- Evje, B. (2012). Three secrets of emotionally intelligent leaders. Inc. Retrieved from
- Llopis, G. (2012). Five ways to lead with emotional intelligence—and boost productivity. Forbes. Retrieved from ways-to-lead-with-emotional-intelligence-and-boost-productivity/.
- Boyatzis, R., Smith, M., Van Oosten, E., & Woolford, L. (2013). Developing resonant leaders through emotional intelligence, vision and coaching. Organizational Dynamics, 42(1), 17-24.
- Society for Human Resource Management (2012). Challenges Facing HR Over the Next 10 Years. Retrieved from articles/pages/challengesfacinghroverthenext10years.aspx
- Westbrook, M. (2012). Building an Architecture for Leadership Development. The Public Manager, 1(1), 1-4.
- George, B. (2012). True north groups: A big idea for developing leaders. Leader to Leader, 63, 32-37.
- Ulrich, D. (2012). What is talent? Leader to Leader, 63, 56.
- Stein, S.J., Papadogiannis, P., Yip, J.A., & Sitarenios, G. (2008). Emotional
intelligence of leaders: A profile of top executives. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Development, 30 (1), 87-101. - George, B. (2012). True north groups: A big idea for developing leaders. Leader to Leader, 63, 32-37.
- Koman, E.S., & Wolff, SB. (2008). Emotional intelligence competencies in the team and team leader: A multi-level examination of the impact of emotional intelligence on team performance. Journal of Management Development, 27(1), 55-75.

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