Do you want to increase your organization’s EI?
FAQs about Emotional Intelligence – Why Should You Care?
What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence includes the abilities to understand one’s emotions, manage those emotions effectively, interact effectively with others, and generate productive work with others.
How does Emotional Intelligence relate to job performance? Higher emotional intelligence abilities are associated with better performance in a variety of careers, from teaching to law enforcement to sales. For example, these factors can help predict whether an employee will interact well with the public or co-workers, whether he/she will have a positive influence on morale, and how he/she will handle stress and conflict.
- Star performers among public safety officers demonstrated higher EI in the areas of social responsibility, problem solving, self-actualization, and interpersonal relationships.
- High performing principals and vice-principals scored higher on self-awareness, self-actualization, empathy, interpersonal relationships, flexibility, problem solving, and impulse control.
- High performing teachers demonstrated higher self awareness, more optimism, and problem solving, self actualization, stress tolerance and happiness.
- Successful young CEOs scored very high in flexibility and independence. In general, the best leaders display high EI abilities.
Can emotional intelligence be tested accurately? Yes. The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0i) possesses acceptable to high reliability and validity scores. Unlike many more popular inventories, the EQ-i 2.0 has been validated for use in the selection process, allowing organizations to predict future job performance based on EQ-i 2.0 scores.
How does the EQ-i 2.0 differ from other employment “risk” tests? Most “risk” tests assess the background of each candidate and conclude how likely the candidate is to be dishonest or abuse sick leave. Risk-based tests assist in screening “out” undesirable candidates, but do not predict successful job performance. EI testing aids in screening “in” the best performing candidates.
What services does Developmental Associates provide related to emotional intelligence?
- Selection of Executives and Employees: Individual assessment of job applicants and a written analysis of each candidate’s likelihood of success in the position based on his/her emotional intelligence profile
- Individual and Group Profiles with Training and Coaching: Individual assessments for current employees; Group EI analysis and interpretation based on individual EI assessments of group members
- 360 EI and Leadership Assessment: Suggested for managers and directors
Can you afford not to measure these factors in your Executive Directors and Department Heads?

Copyright (C) 2011 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
Based on the Bar-On EQ-i model by Reuven Bar-On, copyright 1997.